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Ask any great athlete, executive, or entertainer what makes them so good at what they do and before too long they will probably mention “focus.” You might be seeking ADHD treatment in Toronto because you have recognized you have ADHD symptoms including a difficulty maintaining focus.

The ability to concentrate our attention on a task at hand often separates the great from the good. Study after study shows that multi-tasking reduces overall efficiency. While most people enjoy having a variety of tasks in any given day, most people also enjoy being able to complete a task before moving onto another.

But is there such a thing as too much focus?

What is OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an aptly named psychological condition in which someone develops OCD symptoms that include an obsessive thought that is coupled with a compulsive behavior. The original obsession is typically an exaggerated or irrational fear. This hyper-focus on the obsession and compensating compulsion is the core of an OCD diagnosis.

For instance, it’s not irrational to have some concern for fire safety, but it is irrational to fear that static electricity from walking across your carpet with your socks on will create sparks and cause a fire. Once this fear sets in, however, you may find yourself comforted by insisting that everyone, including your guests, always go barefoot in your apartment.

How is OCD Treated?

Some obsessions can be treated with exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is a three-step process in which the situation is reasoned about, then imagined, then experimented with, usually in the presence of the therapist. In the example above, this could include discussion about static electricity, picturing safely walking on the carpet with socks on, and then actually walking across the carpet, perhaps with the therapist on the telephone.

Other obsessions are not merely an exaggeration of a concern but have some kind of significant symbolic value which is not appreciated by the person holding the obsession. Psychodynamic work with a therapist can help uncover the deeper fear that is symbolized in the obsession. For instance, one could see disagreements as “static” which could “spark” the end an important relationship. In this case, going barefoot could symbolize commitment to retaining that relationship.

What is ADHD?

If you are seeking ADHD treatment in Toronto, you need to appreciate the nature of ADHD. ADHD is a neurological condition in which someone struggles to maintain a desired level of stimulation. This condition shows up typically as inattention to routine tasks and/or hyperactivity, resulting a problematic, perpetual disconnect between intention and execution. ADHD tests, best administered by an experienced professional, can often point you in the right direction.

Some people with ADHD experience hyper-focus when they find something that provides the stimulation they require. Out-of-control engagement with online gaming, online gambling, excessive use of social media, and constantly going down internet “rabbit holes” are modern ADHD symptoms.

How is ADHD Treated?

ADHD cannot be treated directly. There is no “cure” for ADHD, since it is a naturally occurring neurodivergence. When we talk about ADHD treatment, we are really talking about more effectively dealing with ADHD symptoms. The first treatment for ADHD is prescribed stimulant medication. ADHD medication can “open the windows” to receiving more stimulation from everyday situations, which can minimize other stimulation-seeking behaviors.

The second treatment for ADHD is symptom-specific coaching, again best provided by an experienced professional. This coaching can range from employment counselling and relationship counselling to time-management and workspace maintenance. ADHD coaching delivered by a psychotherapist has the added capacity of identifying resultant conditions such as anxiety and depression, and co-occurring conditions such as Substance Use Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder.

Also Read: 10 Common Myths and Facts about ADHD Assessment & Diagnosis

How They Look Alike – OCD & ADHD

OCD and ADHD both present with the potential for hyper-focus. They may appear similar because of the disproportionate amounts of time and energy devoted to increasingly irrational behaviors. In both cases, someone who suffers from hyper-focus will not be able to rationally explain why the hyper-focus exists. It is important to distinguish between them, however, as the treatment for OCD and ADHD are quite different.

How to Tell Them Apart

The distinction between the hyper-focus of OCD and the hyper-focus of ADHD is not clear-cut and should involve an experienced mental health professional. That said, the distinction of hyper-focus of OCD from “normal” enthusiasm is qualitative where the distinction of hyper-focus of ADHD from normal enthusiasm is quantitative.

In the case of OCD, the hyper-focus is alien from everyday experience of most people, where in the case of ADHD, the hyper-focus is similar to the occasional experience of most people but is present so often that it’s become problematic.

Your Next Step

With experienced professionals you can receive effective ADHD treatment in Toronto, If your therapist believes that the nature of your hyper-focus is beyond the experience of most people, you can be referred to a psychotherapist who can address your needs, including OCD symptoms.

If you are concerned about your hyper-focus, look for a clinic, in-person or virtual, that is specialized in ADHD but also has the “bench-strength” to refer you to a therapist experience in other conditions, including OCD.


Frequently asked questions

Can someone have both ADHD and OCD?

Yes, ADHD and OCD can occur in the same individual condition and are often referred to as comorbidities.

How are ADHD and OCD treated?

Yes, the symptoms of both ADHD and OCD can be managed with medication, lifestyle adjustment, and therapy.

Can trauma cause OCD?

Yes, any traumatic experience from the past life can develop OCD symptoms in individuals later.